The most important is unlocking your max potentials

See if Taekwon-do is right for you. You'll learn basic stikes. This is great for shy students adjusting to new environments and working on following directions and building confidence.

Learn discipline, confidence and self-defense. Get started on basic techniques. Good for ages 5 - 8 and busy students.

Improve fitness and learn patterns & combinations with a deep understanding of the motions and proper execution. Repetition is the key to mastery and reaching black belt. We recommend 3X for ages 9+ or Yellow belts & up. All students run 1 mile as a warm up within 8-10 minutes.

Includes sparring for very serious students. 4X is good for blue belts & up. You'll develop leadership skills & have opportunities to compete nationally & international. We've won 16 gold medals in Nationals 2021. Fit & Kick is part of Team USA 2023 with 9 cometitors.

You have to convice us why we should invest our time and resorces on you ... You shoudn't be booked with many other activities. Attendance is mandatory to special classes. You should be willing to travel to internationl events.